Refocus, recharge
& re-energize.
Intentionally designed experiences in nature to refocus, recharge & re-energize your leadership team.
Real, lasting transformation in nature.
Beautiful, Unique Locations
Our home retreat location is in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico.
Chose between one, two or three day retreats in custom locations.
Multiple Types
We offer Leadership, Coaching & Neuro-Psychology retreats.
Experiental Learning
Hands-on experiences and reflection in nature
Leadership Retreats
This retreat uses our suite of tools and coaches to focus on self awareness, influence, and culture-building on your team.
Coaching Retreats
Certification Level 1: In this retreat, we empower leaders to leverage coaching
techniques and the coaching report to effectively develop their team, creating
employees who feel valued, heard, and appreciated.
Certification Level 2: Offered to graduates from our Certification program or
Level 1 Coaching Retreat, we build upon the Level 1 certification to deepen growth and influence, using The Line Chart report.
Neuro-Psychology Retreats
This one and a half day retreat uses the latest advances in neuroscience diagnostics and methods to clear the conscious and unconscious beliefs, behaviors, and perceptions that inhibit growth and innovation.
Proven, Authentic, Experiential Learning
Real people. Real experiences.