Proactivity: The desire to pursue achievement of excellence in activities acknowledged by others as important for status in a community.
In contrast to last week’s high scorer in proactivity, low scorers in proactivity take a much more easygoing approach to life. Let’s take a look at what motivates these more carefree, relaxed people!
Low Proactivity
Meet Kelly. Kelly likes to chill out and is never in a hurry. She doesn’t often set goals and prefers to go with the flow, getting to things when she gets to them. She often treats deadlines as “loose suggestions” and doesn’t get too caught up with reaching a destination. She could spend a whole day laying at the beach, doing absolutely nothing and not feel guilty about it at all.
Kelly is a good example of someone with a low score in Proactivity. She:
Tips for Managing Low Scorers
Although people with a low score in proactivity can provide a relaxing, calming effect on their more hyper-active counterparts, their “relaxed” behavior can also show up as procrastination, missed deadlines, and indulgence in distractions (or a perceived general laziness). Work is likely not the most important part of this person’s life, which can have both advantages and disadvantages.
Here are a few tips to encourage the growth of someone with a low proactivity score: