Behavioral Scale Deep Dive: Low Military Leadership

Military Leadership: The ability to complete tasks and stay on track with projects, using discipline and sound judgment. 

Do you tend to stretch limits? Are you a risk taker? If so, you may be a low scorer in military leadership. Let’s take a look at the behavioral traits of someone with a low score in military leadership and what managers can do to best encourage their growth.  

Low Military Leadership

Meet James. James likes to have fun and is often finding any way to dip out of work early to catch the biggest waves at the beach near his house. He has gotten in trouble numerous times for clocking out early but really doesn’t care- he’d rather be doing something he’s excited about no matter what the consequences. Because of this, he bounces from job to job and often finds himself in situations that stretch the limits of legal and illegal which doesn’t scare him- it’s worth the thrill!

James is a good example of someone who likely has a low military leadership score. He:

  • Likes to stretch limits
  • Is more risk taking and adventurous
  • Isn’t convinced that duty, obligation and self- discipline are completely worthwhile values
  • Can be more rebellious, and enjoys the idea of “bucking” the system
  • Tends to place a higher value on emotion, passion and fun. 

Tips for Managing Low Scorers

Although low scorers in military leadership can be fun to be around because of their adventurous, passionate nature , sometimes their rebellious nature and tendency to not take discipline too seriously can have negative consequences in their personal and work life.  Low military leadership scorers may have a hard time completing tasks on time in favor of fun, which can lead to decreased productivity and accountability.

Whether you’re a manager of a low military leadership scorer or wanting to learn how to better understand a colleague’s behavior, here are some ideas on how to effectively manage this behavioral trait. 

Recommendations for Low Scorers: 

  • Encourage them to realize that “all play and no work” leads to conflict within relationships. Completing tasks on time or early, staying focused, and doing what you say you will do leads to much improved performance and relationships.
  • Encourage them to balance fun with accomplishing goals.
  • Excitement, bending rules, minimal oversight and freedom motivate the low scorer in military leadership.
  • Remind them that play time all the time does not allow you to get stuff done. Encourage them to practice time management.

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