Behavioral Scale Deep Dive: High Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence: The desire to express faith in one’s ability to act and be successful in those actions.

Are you poised, self-assured & confident? Do you believe in yourself? If so, you may be a high scorer in self-confidence. Let’s take a look at the behavioral traits of someone with a high self-confidence score and what managers can do to best encourage their growth.  

High Self-Confidence

Meet Claudio. Claudio believes in himself and isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He comes across as poised and assertive in conversations and isn’t afraid to show his true colors through his personal style and personality. He knows his strengths and growth areas and navigates life with decisiveness and initiative.

Claudio is a good example of someone who likely has a high self-confidence score. He:

  • Is poised, self- assured, and confident
  • Tends to be an assertive person
  • Believes in himself & others believe in him as well

Tips for Managing High Scorers

Although high scorers in self-confidence can be confident decision makers, sometimes this strength can be perceived as being overused.  At times, high scorers may think and act like they know more about something or someone than they do. They may also underestimate the complexity of situations and try to cut corners to make a good impression. This can damage credibility, especially with people who are more cautious and place a higher value on accuracy. Whether you’re a manager of a high self-confidence scorer or wanting to learn how to better understand a colleague’s behavior, here are some ideas on how to effectively manage this behavioral trait.

Recommendations for High Scorers

  • The high scorer in Self-Confidence needs to focus on the importance of accuracy in all communications, and needs to recognize and steer away from embellishing the truth in any way. Be aware of this behavior because they may be resistant to advice.
  • At times you may need to remind them that their way is not always the best way and that they may not always be right.
  • Encourage them to Listen FULLY to others and place themself in the others’ shoes once in a while. The more they do this, the more they will master this tool for relationships.
  • Minimal oversight, freedom and challenge motivate a high scorer in Self-Confidence.

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